Honour for Bridge Supporter
Honour for Bridge Supporter

Honour for Bridge Supporter

From South Wales Argus (Friday, 18th June 2004)A FUNERAL cortege passed over the Newport Transporter Bridge for only the third time in its history yesterday, to mark the passing of one of its most dedicated supporters.

The cortege of Audrey Robinson, a former member of Friends of Newport Transporter Bridge, was taken across the famous landmark yesterday afternoon.

Mrs Robinson was the wife of current FONTB chairman Sidney Robinson.
She died earlier this month after a period of ill health.

Her cortege is only the third to have been carried over by the Transporter’s gondola.
Mr Robinson, who lives in Penarth, said: “Audrey was always very fond of the Transporter Bridge.

“When she was well we would visit regularly. She particularly enjoyed the regular trips made on the Balmoral and Waverley paddle steamers between Penarth and Ilfracombe which would pass under the bridge.”

Reference: 2004-002